6 Easy Steps to Cut Avocados for Your Sushi – Step-by-Step Guide

How to cut avocado for sushi? The avocado is one of the most popular fruits used for sushi. There are many different kinds of sushi out there, and many of them use this fruit.

This fruit can be a filling or a topping, and it doesn’t only help with the taste. It could help with the looks as well. To seal the deal, it’s healthy too!

If you are looking to make some sushi, it seems you can’t avoid learning how to cut up some avocados. Well, no worries. Cutting an avocado is easy, and we will show you just how easy it could be today. It only takes six easy steps!

1. Finding the Right Avocado

Finding the Right Avocado

First, you want to find the right avocado. In other words, a ripe one. It is not the least complicated task out there. However, with some help and practice, you should get the hang of it.

You don’t want to rely too much on the color in finding a ripe avocado. Some would tell you to go for the darker ones, but even the green ones could already be ripe.

It would be best to rely on your sense of touch with this fruit. Give the fruit a gentle but firm squeeze.

A ripe one should feel soft and should yield to the pressure. You want this one because it doesn’t only taste the best, but it will also make the following steps easier.

An unripe avocado will feel firm. You don’t want this for your sushi. For one, its taste will be unpleasant. Additionally, it will be hard to work with this one.

However, it might be the one you want to buy if you don’t plan on using your avocados immediately. Only buy ripe avocados if you plan on using them soon.

An almost-ripe avocado would feel similar to a ripe one but will not yield as much as a ripe one. While it could feel similar to a ripe one, you don’t want this for your sushi.

For one, it will not taste nice. Also, you will have trouble with this one as the seed will be hard to remove, the flesh will not have the best texture, and the peels will be hard to remove.

On the other hand, an overripe avocado would feel too soft. Again, you don’t want this one for your sushi. It will be too mushy and will make the following steps a challenge. Also, it will not taste or look good. To top it off? It will smell!

You might have trouble finding a ripe avocado on your first few tries, but don’t worry. It’s normal! Keep trying, and you’ll likely eventually get it!

2. Opening the Avocado

Opening the Avocado

Once you have your avocado, it’s time to take things on the chopping board. Don’t forget to give it a good wash, though! While you’re at it, it might not be bad to clean your tools too!

You want to cut your avocado lengthwise. Start cutting into the lower part of the avocado and use the seed as a guide to cut around. (The lower portion would be the wider end.)

You don’t have to worry about slicing through the seed. It is not easy to cut through it. It is probably one of the hardest things you will ever come by! It will take a lot to get through it.

Once you have cut all around the avocado, get a good grip on both halves and pull them apart. Gently twist if needed.

3. Getting the Seed Out of the Avocado

Getting the Seed Out of the Avocado

After opening your avocado, direct your focus on the seed. It served you well while opening the fruit, but you don’t need it anymore for your sushi. There are several ways to get the seed out.

However, if you have a ripe avocado, you might not even need this step as it could have come out on its own. If it did not, don’t worry. We have listed three ways to get the seed out.

First, you can use your hands. If you have a ripe avocado on your hands and it did not pop out on its own, you can likely easily pull the seed out with your hands.

The one problem you might have is getting a good grip on it. Other than that, all should be well.

Another way to do it is to use a spoon to scoop the seed out. Careful, though! You don’t want to ruin your avocado.

Another way is to use a knife. Use the pointy part of the knife. Carefully insert it into one side of the seed and lift. On the other hand, if you are planning to prepare sushi in front of an audience, then you might want to go with this cool method instead:


4. Peeling the Avocado

Peeling the Avocado

Once the seed is out, it’s time to start peeling your avocado!

If you have a ripe avocado on your hands, peeling it should be easy-peasy. You should be able to peel it like you’re peeling a banana. Yes, you should be able to peel it using only your hands.

5. Slicing the Avocado

Slicing the Avocado

Finally, it’s time to slice your avocado. First, your avocado cheeks should be facing you. The side with the hallowed part left by the seed should be facing down.

Next, position the avocado lengthwise. You could also do it slightly slanted if you feel more comfortable that way. Only make sure the knife can reach the top and bottom end well.

After that, angle your knife at around a 45 degrees angle and cut. Again, if you have a ripe avocado on your hands, you should not have any problem. The knife will likely easily glide through.

Don’t forget to make thin slices! You might have some trouble assembling your sushi if your avocado slices are too thick.

As we have said earlier, avocado can be both a filling and a topping. Either way you plan to use your avocado, these slices should work.

6. Preserving Your Avocado Slices

You now have your avocado slices, but there is still one step you would want to do. That is to coat your avocado slices with some lemon juice.

Lemon juice can help with keeping your avocado looking and tasting good. You especially want to do this step if you plan on using your avocado slices as a topping.

If you don’t, your avocado will not only not taste good, but it will also start to brown and, of course, look unappealing.

Be careful about overdoing it, though! As you already know, lemon is not tasteless. How much you put will affect the whole sushi. We use vinegar on our sushi, but we believe you don’t want your sushi extra sour.

On the other hand, you might not be a big fan of lemons. Well, there are some other things you can use.

Do you want to stay with the organic options? If so, any juice from any acidic fruit will do. On the flip side, you can use commercial anti-browning products.

Things to Keep in Mind When Cutting Avocados for Sushi

Things to Keep in Mind When Cutting Avocados for Sushi

You now know the six easy steps to cutting avocados for sushi. Before you leave, allow us to share some tips you might want to consider before taking on this task.

Use a Thin Knife

When cutting anything, you almost always want to use a sharp knife. In addition to that, you want to consider using a thin knife when cutting avocados. A thick one could work, but it could ruin the avocado because of this fruit’s texture.

Know the Sushi

As you already know, you can cut the avocado into different thicknesses. Not all thicknesses will work for all sorts of sushi.

Some need thinner slices, while some need thicker ones. Know the sushi you are making first before cutting your avocados.

How to Place Avocado Slices on the Sushi

You now have your avocado slices for your sushi. The only thing left to do is put it on your sushi! To do this, spread your newly cut avocado enough to cover the length of the sushi roll.

Next, take your knife and scoop up the slices with it. Finally, carefully put them on top of the sushi.

Do you want to put your new skill and knowledge to the test? You can try this caterpillar roll recipe from IzzyCooking or this dragon roll recipe from Just One Cookbook!


How to cut avocado for sushi? As you saw today, it only takes six easy steps!

First, which is probably the most challenging step, is finding ripe avocados. A ripe avocado will not only taste better than the others, but it will also help make the process easier.

After that, you want to take things to the chopping board and open your avocado.

The third step is taking out the avocado seed. Here, we learned that if you are dealing with ripe avocado, it could come out on its own. If not, then there are tons of ways to get it out.

Next would be peeling the avocado, which could be as easy as peeling a banana. Once you have peeled the avocado, you can start slicing it.

Finally, you want to coat your avocado with some juice from an acidic fruit or a commercial anti-browning product to keep it looking and tasting fresh.

6 Easy Steps to Cut Avocados for Your Sushi - Step-by-Step Guide

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